I started Change Talk Coaching as a way to transform my Food and Nutritional Health Coaching practice into an education and learning platform. My ambition is to write and publish a series of books and online courses to help people have a better quality of life and human experience. The premise is that you can make better choices to improve your life with knowledge.

With 20 years of leading and coaching successful teams in the corporate world, I have been a certified Health Coach for the last seven years. I have a 360-degree background in food: From farming to restaurants, global FMCG brands and food chemicals, food and wine branding, nutritional health coaching, addiction, trauma, and human behaviour psychology modalities. These allow me to provide a holistic approach to coaching people to master their relationship with food and drink.


I started Change Talk Coaching as a way to transform my Food and Nutritional Health Coaching practice into an education and learning platform. My ambition is to write and publish a series of books and online courses to help people have a better quality of life and human experience. The premise is that you can make better choices to improve your life with knowledge.

With 20 years of leading and coaching successful teams in the corporate world, I have been a certified Health Coach for the last seven years. I have a 360-degree background in food: From farming to restaurants, global FMCG brands and food chemicals, Food and Wine branding, nutritional health coaching, addiction, trauma, and human behaviour psychology modalities. These allow me to provide a holistic approach to coaching people to master their relationship with food and drink.

In your heart space consider this:

Setting boundaries is like having a shop front – it is the best way to communicate how you want to be treated by someone. And what you will and won’t accept. What do you want your shop front to tell people?

~ Fleur Elizabeth 

Let's normalise the conversation of trauma

The world has changed; the MeToo Movement has phenomenally pulled back the curtains and revealed what happens to women behind closed doors.  Now is the time to drill down and reach these women who suffer in plain sight, just like I did for so many years.  It is time to acknowledge there is a systemic issue of drinking and eating irregularities that directly correlates to trauma’s impact on a woman.

My Vision

My ambition is to reach all those women who are stuck, unsure about how to get help, and feel ashamed and unable to talk about their struggles with food and drink.

My Mission

My goal is to combat the stigma of trauma and any form of mental or sexual abuse head-on and break the silence on the effects these adverse experiences have on women's food and drink choices and the quality of their overall lives.

My Process

These women need access to the skills to rebuild themselves with acceptance. Which can given them the ability to sit with difficult thoughts and feelings a stop self-medicating with food and drink when life gets loud. 

You Are Not Alone

You Have A Voice

This is not your secret anymore

As human beings, we were born to thrive. Our brains are designed to keep us alive, keep us standing up straight, warn us when there is danger, and generally help us have a good life. 

But when you have a background like ours, we are all here for the same reason, by the way. Things get in the way. Triggers create emotions, emotions create behaviours, and then all of a sudden, you find yourself using food and drink to numb things, to mask pain, to distract yourself from all of that stuff that is just really uncomfortable to face into.

And then you find yourself in a cycle of repeating unwanted behaviours with food and drink.  Realising that you’re living a life you didn’t think you would live.

Through a process of educating and guiding you, I’m going to help you find the path so you can start to take back control of your choices with food and drink and live the life you want to live.  

I want you to know you are not alone in your being alone.