
My Style

As a specialised Coach, using a blend of nutrition and psychology modalities, I focus on guiding you to discover a path to make the right choices for your own needs. My coaching programs are not about diets or weight loss theories, rather focus on understanding your emotional model and behaviours with food and drink. Working with you to create meaningful change by ensuring you have the tools, motivation and momentum to follow through and live the life you want.

In your heart space consider this:

If your behaviour is how you communicate with people, to tell them what you need – apply this logic to your body’s behaviour. What is your body trying to say to you?

~ Fleur Elizabeth 

Looking after your future self

My Change Talk Coaching practice combines in-person and self-healing mediums. You can book a one-on-one session with me via Zoom or in person for more personalised work - see the packages below. Otherwise, I offer an 8-week online course for those women who prefer to learn, evolve and grow in their safe space. There are also print options for those who want to go at their own pace and time.

The Focus

How to understand your emotional model and the function of the problematic behaviour. Together, we look at the triggers, the resulting behaviours with food and drink, and the payoffs or reinforcing consequences of those behaviours.

The Influences

Change is hard, and there are many factors to consider: biology, social culture, temperament and more. I help you connect to how the four domains of your life are influencing your behaviours with food and drink. (Relationships, vocation, mental and physical health, and exercise).

My Process

Through psycho-education, guidance and nurturing, I help you to process what the costs are for you not to change (your automatic behaviours with food and drink). Help you to choose values to live by with the associated behaviours. And set boundaries and connect/protect your energy. And by asking you evoking questions, my role is to help you find the reason and desire for change.

My Coaching Programs

Use an integrative evidenced- based approach drawing on Nutritional Health Coaching - Specialising in food as medicine, bio-individuality, eating modalities, mental health through food. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - Specialising in depression and anxiety and trauma-focused ACT. Motivational Interviewing - Specialising in alcoholism and addiction. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy - Specialising in mindfulness, acceptance, and change skills. Executive Transformational Coaching.


Personal Coaching

50 minute session. Coaching is designed for women that have completed the course. Alternatively, if you would like to make a time to talk, please get in touch.

6 Months Working Together on your transformation

14 sessions. Made up of 2 sessions - 90 mins & 12 sessions - 50 mins sessions. Coaching is designed for women that have completed the course.

10 Weeks Rewards Progress and Supporting Change

7 sessions - Made up of - 1 session 90 mins & - 6 sessions - 50 mins sessions.
Coaching is designed for women that have completed the course.



Any kind of change is a struggle on your own. So working together, I will teach you skills and tools to develop your confidence and believe in your ability to make sustainable changes in your relationship with food and drink.

I believe that everyone can create a fulfilling and meaningful life. So my role is to help you grab hold of your inner strength, resilience, and wisdom to live the life you want. Your role is to keep showing up and believe that it is possible.